Reach Our Membership
Member to Member Deal Program
- These are on-going discounts provided to Chamber members by Chamber members and must be available for multiple purchases. One-time discount does not apply.
- The discount needs to be unique. It’s exclusive to Chamber members so it needs to be available to all Chamber members.
- General discounts available to the community do not apply.
Click here to download the Member to Member Discount Program application!
Open House Partnership Package
Are you looking to promote a special time in the life of your business?
- Anniversary
- Significant Growth
- New Location
- Expansion
- Other milestone
- Pre-publicity, two weeks promotion in our weekly E Newsletter
- Posting on Chamber Event Calendar
- Ten or more attendees (typically more) to your event
- Post event Facebook post w/ photo & business description w/ link to your website
- Post event photo in Chamber’s weekly E Newsletter w/ link to your website
- Photo w/ business description submitted to press*
- Photo w/ business description posted on Brookfield Patch
*Please note that the GBCC cannot guarantee that the Press will publish the submission.
Special Edition Email Blast
- Just send us a JPEG image (picture), subject line, and URL, and your advertisement will be emailed to 1,000+ Brookfield Chamber members.
- You request the date you would like it to be sent
Click here to download the agreement for the Special Edition Email Blast!
Tuesday E-News Advertising
- Include your upcoming event or a special announcement in our weekly Chamber newsletter.
- Our newsletter is sent out every Tuesday to over 2,000+ Chamber members.
- Buy 3 ads and get the 4th FREE!
Click here to download the agreement for the Tuesday E-News Blast!
Ad Bundle
Are you looking to promote your business to other Brookfield Chamber Investors and the public? The GBCC Advertising Bundle would be the perfect resource to reach both demographics!
Our Advertising Bundle consists of:
- One Tuesday E-News Ad
- One Special E-Blast
- One Facebook Post
- Value of $475.00 for $400.00
Click here to download the agreement for the GBCC Ad Bundle!
Still have a question?
Please fill out the information below to contact our Events and Communication/Marketing manager, Miranda Boerger.